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As of version 1.8.2 Andromeda works great in conjunction with PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, Myphpnuke, and phpWebSite.

Andromeda as a Module
Andromeda works as a module to PHP-Nuke and PostNuke as of version 1.8.2 (Myphpnuke and phpWebSite users should skip down to 'Add-on'). All you have to do is:

  1. Download the PHP version of Andromeda
  2. Rename the script to index.php and place it into a /modules/Andromeda/ folder. Please note that the folder containing Andromeda can have a different name.
  3. By default, Andromeda will look in that folder for media files.
  4. If you want to serve media files from elsewhere on your box, you'll also need to set up an andromedaPrefs.php file (see the prefs guide) and put it in the same folder.

    a sample andromedaPrefs.php file for Windows:
    #mediaWebPath[tab] /mp3s
    #mediaPhysicalPath[tab] c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mp3s
    Note: the leading # is required. It prevents your preferences from being read by a web browser.

    a sample andromedaPrefs.php file for Unix:
    #mediaWebPath[tab] /mp3s
    #mediaPhysicalPath[tab] /root/docs/webroot/mp3s
    Note: the leading # is required. It prevents your preferences from being read by a web browser.

  5. If the play button doesn't work, you might need to set the hostAddress preference (see the prefs guide) to something like: or mp3.mysite.com or mp3.mysite.com:8080
  6. If you want to prevent standalone access, set the moduleOnly preference to true
  7. If you want to use Nuke's authentication, set the useExtLogon preference to true (make sure to also set moduleOnly to true)
  8. Unleash the power of Andromeda by upgrading to to Personal, Community, or Professional Edition.

Andromeda as an Add-on
Andromeda works as a Add-on to PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, Myphpnuke, and phpWebSite as of version 1.8.2. All you have to do is:

  1. Put the Andromeda script in the same folder as mainfile.php
  2. Create a prefs file with the following settings (see the prefs guide) and put it in the same folder.

    a sample andromedaPrefs.php file:
    #coreInclude[tab] mainfile.php
    #disableHTMLheaders[tab] true
    #includeHeader[tab] header.php
    #includeFooter[tab] footer.php
    Note: the leading # is required. It prevents your preferences from being read by a web browser.

  3. Optionally add mediaWebPath and mediaPhysicalPath as discussed above in the Module section
  4. If the play button doesn't work, you might need to set the hostAddress preference (see the prefs guide) to something like: or mp3.mysite.com or mp3.mysite.com:8080
  5. If you want to use Nuke's/phpWebSite's authentication, set the useExtLogon preference to true
  6. Unleash the power of Andromeda by upgrading to to Personal, Small Business, or Enterprise Edition.
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