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Andromeda Requirements
What's the difference between the PHP and ASP versions of Andromeda?
PHP and ASP are popular programming languages for making 'smart' web pages. The PHP and ASP versions of Andromeda are basically the same.
I want Andromeda to stream files from my ISP hosted site, which version is right for me?
Typically, ISP hosted sites can run either PHP or ASP scripts. Please check with your ISP for details (or just try one, then the other).
I want Andromeda to stream files from my computer, what else do I need?
You'll need a Web server that can run either PHP or ASP scripts.
Where do I find a Web server for Unix, Linux or OS X?
Most flavors of Unix and OS X ship with the Apache Web server, but there are alternatives. Whichever Web server you decide to use, you'll also need to install PHP (unless you have Chili!Soft ASP).
Where do I find a Web server for Windows?
Windows XP and 2000 users can use Add/Remove Programs to install Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS). If you're running an older verion of Windows, you can download Microsoft's Web server (PWS). Win95 & 98 users should take a look at this, WinME users should take a look at this.

Microsoft Web servers support ASP; there's no need to install anything else (optionally, you can add PHP). Alternative Web servers include: Apache, Xitami, Sambar, Zeus, and others. For those you'll also need to add PHP.
I'm ready to install a Web server, what's next?
Any computer connected to the Internet should be properly secured with the latest patches. Be sure to check the security update pages for both your operating system and Web server. This is especially important if you run one of Microsoft's Web servers. I suggest that you: 1) disconnect from the Internet; 2) install the Web server; 3) stop the Web server; 4) re-connect to the Internet and visit http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com; 5) and only then start the Web server.

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